Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things you learn when it is -23 degrees out...

  • Little shoes aren't just for mini horses- dogs need moon boots.
  • Start your car, like, yesterday if you want it to 1. start 2. move
  • Warm head trumps good hair. Wear a hat.
  • Work at home for as long as you possibly can. Simply avoid the outdoors.
  • Lack of long underwear does NOT make you a gladiator. WEAR IT.
  • Cans or bottles of anything should not be left in the car, unless you want to be licking beer off the ceiling come spring.
  • Everyone you know everywhere else in the country is aware of how f-n cold it is and sends condolences. (i.e."hey, we haven't spoken in in a year... sure is cold where yer at! Better keep warm") Uh- thanks for the advice!
  • Body parts can and will freeze off. Not that any of mine have. But in this damn weather you don't questions these things!
  • Layers layers layers.
  • Moving to Fargo was a dumb idea.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

While I might be a day late and a dollar short... It is worth mentioning that the anniversary of Roe v. Wade was Monday (1/22). Let's not forget the questionable state of the law and womens' (in)ability to make choices for their own lives and bodies.

In other news, well, maybe not so much news but a self-involved update on the life of me... dissertation data is collected! My productive venture to the Lonestar state proved to be worthwhile. I survived driving a PT Cruiser for 5 days, won Cranium (ah-hem beat the cheater and got to shake Shawna all about), watched a little L Word in good company, ate well, contemplated a new tattoo, and in between the interviewing madness caught up with some colleagues and friends. Twas a busy and fantastic trip. I think I even won over the chihuahua. Yet not once did I set foot into a certain lesbian establishment. Someone give me a halo.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Candidate Match-making

Still not sure which presidential candidate shares your views? Check out the Match-O-Matic

Since you are dying to know how I scored... here ya go.
1. Joseph Biden (this guy dropped out)
2. Mike Gravel (he's been a NYC cab driver and a special agent!)
3. Dennis Kucinich (simply put, this guy should be the prez, but it's not going to happen. He actually cares about PEOPLE... What a crazy notion for the leader of the free world)

Yeah. Maybe I should move to Canada. Its only a few hours away...

Happy 2008

So it has been a while... With the holidays safely navigated I am back to the head-slamming days of office politics and extra thick socks. My trip home was unusually uneventful... no crazy family crap this year. Just lots of fun running around with 2 year olds who think I am the best invention ever. Who wouldn't love that? Have to enjoy being super aunt to 2 new babies who are so cute and sweet, and when they aren't I get to hand them back. Then there was pirate fun on a sunset schooner cruise with my girls in St. Augustine before hopping a plane to the lonestar state. Houston was a good as to be expected... and MORE! The lovely lib recently blogged about missing her lesbian cartel, and I have to say I share her sentiments. Glad I got to have my fix. D$ and her obsession with air streams gives my life meaning. The B&T Inn was a full service establishment with ironing and vehicles included. And then there is Chances. What can I even say about Chances? It just is. NYE. Ah, NYE. There is a reason I don't drink liquor. And any photographic evidence demonstrating why should NOT be posted online. NEVER. EVER.

Last nights festivities at mi casa were quite fun. Good food. Good wine. Excellent people.

It's 15 with flurries today... with a HIGH of -5 expected in a few days. If only Boone was a better cuddler.