Monday, March 17, 2008

It's St Patty's Day and I wore blue.

The parade was Saturday and I wore green then. My dog is smart and knows his right from his left. I am sore from Sunday yoga and Monday spin class, which will likely continue with Wednesday spin class. I am so tired but have too much work for sleep. Did that sentence even make sense? Why does this town have such a serious shortage of lesbians? Seriously. I had a rather bizarre weekend of events. I apparently don't know how to spell bizarre, thank goodness for spellcheck. I apparently can't spell spellcheck either. Did I mention how tired I am? My parents want to come visit. My parents want to come visit? My mother who wanted me to drop out of grad school and opt for fix-the-gays-camp is coming to visit? Really? This is a short week, and it's almost Tuesday, so only 3 more days till the weekend. At which time I will continue dissertating. I think I am grinding my teeth at night. I think I have too much going on in my head.

P.S. I love Juno.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um, I think you mistyped something in your blog twice. The part where you said your parents want to come visit. WHAAAA?????